
La BouTube

First, we pittered with Twitter and set up our Facebook page, in hopes that you would ‘Like’ us. Getting a handle on the Social Network and new ways to entertain and inform the super savvy of San Francisco on what our status is has been fun and challenging. It’s a fast city to keep up with. And now, we are testing our techie talents out with actual video footage. (queue the oohs and ahhs, we know…..it’s big)

Okay, so video is hardly the final frontier, but we thought it would be fun to virtually let all of you meet the managers at our Boulanges via short clips of them answering some fun questions about their week and weaknesses at La Boulange. And to top it off, since we know all of you are way ahead of us already with the whole video thing, we are challenging you to get out your Flip, or whichever messaging media you prefer, to film your own short clip answering the same little interview. We have a gift card for our favorite, so send them in via email to kate@laboulangebakery.com and we'll pick a winner!

The interview questions are:

1. Describe your neighborhood, what are your favorite things about it?

2. What is your favorite thing in the pastry case?

3. What is the funniest thing you’ve seen in your Boulange this week?

4. What is your go-to beverage to wake up with in the morning?

5. And of course, is there anyone you’d like to give a shout-out to?

We just posted a hello from the Pine street Boulangerie and already have footage from Hayes Valley and Polk street in queue for days to come. Stay tuned for your Boulange to be featured on our Facebook page. We hope you ‘like’ it as much as we do.